Ron Long - President #937HoopDreams
Coach Ron Long is a Native Daytonian who is a Graduate of Chaminade Julienne High School, attended Sinclair Community College and is currently Varsity Assistant Coach at Thurgood Marshall. Book him now or his testimony in growing up in inner city Dayton, OH being raised by a single mom. Receiving the gift of gift of desperation to the gift of life.
For the last 4 year on Make Plays Today coaching staff. Coach Long has been instrumental with impacting over 16,000 children in 9 States. He is League Director for the Only Developmental High School League in the Country “937 Hoop Dreams”.
Mike Broaddus - Director of Coaching #937HoopDreams
Coach Broaddus is the Director of Coaching for #937HoopDreams. He is a Native Daytonian and a resident of West Carolton. Very purposeful and successful 7th and 8th Coach at West Carolton Middle Schools.